Pinterest SEO: How to Pin Your Way to the Top of Google
Pinterest SEO: How to Pin Your Way to the Top of Google
November 12, 2014 No Comments on Pinterest SEO: How to Pin Your Way to the Top of GoogleYou want to get more traffic to your website. You know how beneficial it is to be on the first page of Google, but you don’t know how to get there. Optimizing your website is complex and can be overwhelming, but there is another way. You can use Pinterest SEO to pin your way to the top of Google.
Let’s take a look at the Google Search Results for “picture frames diy”.

The first organic search result (not paid for) is a Pinterest Board!
This personal Pinterest Board is sitting on great real estate. It’s above several companies including American Frame, Lowe’s and TV’s DIY Network. The only search results that are listed above it are paid advertisements from Hobby Lobby, Amazon and Michaels!
Let that sink in for a moment.
This personal Pinterest Board is ranking on the first page of Google ahead of many large companies. Not only that, but it’s in a competitive market. This is proven by the three listed advertisements above it and the long list of advertisements on the right side of the page. Companies are paying SEO teams and buying advertisements to be where this Pinterest Board is.
Pinterest SEO:
Want to know how to do it? Follow these three steps.
Step 1: Choosing Keywords
Keywords are the words and phrases in your web content that make it possible for people to find your site via search engines. Your keywords should be focused on the topic of your website. Use Pinterest’s search function to help you identify appropriate keywords for your Pinterest SEO strategy. Start by typing in your topic. For example, “picture frames”. Once you start typing Pinterest begins making suggestions of popular searches. These suggestions can be used as long-tail keywords. Long-tail keywords are longer more specific keyword phrases that visitors are more likely to use when they’re closer to a point-of-purchase. Such as, “picture frames diy”.
Step 2: Create Your Board
When creating your board, the first thing you’ll need is a name for it. Use your keyword as the name. Our board would be called, “Picture Frames DIY”. If you’re a local business, consider adding your location. For instance “Picture Frames DIY St. Louis”. Next you’ll write a description. The description should give users an idea of what type of Pins can be found on your board. Be sure to include your keyword here as well. The keyword should be at the beginning or close to the beginning of the description. If you’re a local business, include your location area here as well. Appropriately complete the rest of the information to create the board. Double check to make sure the board is public (Keep it secret: No).
Step 3: Promote Your Board
The final step is to promote your board. This can be done by simply adding new Pins to your board. Do this frequently: every day or every few days. When adding new Pins, be sure to write a caption for each one. Your caption should include your keyword. Always try to place your keyword at the beginning or near the beginning of the caption. You can also promote your board by engaging with other users on Pinterest. Use Pinterest’s search feature to find similar topics and begin engaging with other users by Liking, Commenting and Repinning their content.
Visit St. Louis Social Media Consultants's profile on Pinterest.
Visit Brad Wester's profile on Pinterest.
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